Bondage Avenue

VIP Spanking

When it comes to getting yourself the hottest spanking videos around, wouldn't you want more for your money? Not only are you getting great action featuring the most blistered asses you've ever seen, but nine spanking sites come together with your VIP Spanking membership to bring you all kinds of spanking fetish videos and pictures so you don't have to search everywhere to get only the best.


Her First Punishment

When girls think that they can get away with whatever they want in Russia, they're quickly brought to the realization that their behavior won't go unpunished! See them learn their lessons here at Her First Punishment, where these bad Russian babes are bent over and spanked, paddled, whipped and flogged until they realize the error of their ways, and until their asses are sore and purple.


Lupus Spanking

Lupus Pictures is the world famous independent film maker, producing the best spanking movies in the world! Elaborate costumes and locations, stunning camera work and image quality, beautiful models and above all else, incredible Corporal Punishment scenes, unrivalled by any other spanking movie producer. This site contains movies from the world famous and respected producers Lupus Pictures and Rigid East!


Our Best Bdsm Porn Galleries
Sara Faye endures a gauntlet of devilish devices and situations, starting with a tight hogtie done with cold chain, followed by a painful session of perching against a pole with nothing but a sharp wooden triangle digging into her bare arches for support. A strict wooden neck stock forces her to maintain an excessively rigid posture to avoid choking.Meanwhile, Jaeyln Fox proves herself to be a spoiled brat right from the start. She thinks the show is going to be all about her being a co-star in a porn video, looking all done up and sexy while engaging in some light kinky roleplay and sex. Once she realizes that she's going to be locked up like a veal calf and treated like nothing more than a random piece of meat with three warm holes open for use, her ego takes a big hit and she starts to have second thoughts. Clearly in need of a serious attitude adjustment, Jaelyn shoots sidelong glances to Sara behind cyd's back for moral support, makes faces when she is ordered to perform tasks, mutters and whispers under her breath, and just generally attempts to top from the bottom. For her efforts, she dooms herself to be secured in a series of uncomfortable and humiliating bondages, where she is placed  to be ignored, denied orgasm and to left to suffer slowly, feeling every minute of the six hour show with no relief or pleasure. Perhaps the experience taught her just exactly what her place and role is. The show continues on, focusing almost entirely on Sara instead, a participant who shows the proper enthusiasm and respect.
Sara Faye endures a gauntlet of devilish devices and situations, starting with a tight hogtie done with cold chain, followed by a painful session of perching against a pole with nothing but a sharp wooden triangle digging into her bare arches for support. A strict wooden neck stock forces her to maintain an excessively rigid posture to avoid choking.Meanwhile, Jaeyln Fox proves herself to be a spoiled brat right from the start. She thinks the show is going to be all about her being a co-star in a porn video, looking all done up and sexy while engaging in some light kinky roleplay and sex. Once she realizes that she's going to be locked up like a veal calf and treated like nothing more than a random piece of meat with three warm holes open for use, her ego takes a big hit and she starts to have second thoughts. Clearly in need of a serious attitude adjustment, Jaelyn shoots sidelong glances to Sara behind cyd's back for moral support, makes faces when she is ordered to perform tasks, mutters and whispers under her breath, and just generally attempts to top from the bottom. For her efforts, she dooms herself to be secured in a series of uncomfortable and humiliating bondages, where she is placed to be ignored, denied orgasm and to left to suffer slowly, feeling every minute of the six hour show with no relief or pleasure. Perhaps the experience taught her just exactly what her place and role is. The show continues on, focusing almost entirely on Sara instead, a participant who shows the proper enthusiasm and respect.

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